Traveling Light

Oftentimes, if one is to fare well on a long-distant jet plane journey, they cannot be encumbered by lugging everything they own. They must decidedly travel light.  In the Gospel of Matthew, those Magi...

Crowning a New King

We can’t walk into a new year and a new way of living in faith until the old king is dead. Christmas signaled a shift in power and authority, for a new king came...

What the Carpenter Crafted (Christmas Eve)

Rewind the tape and enjoy this message delivered during the 7 pm worship service on Christmas Eve. Like Joseph, may you–despite difficulty–prayerfully petition God for the ability to abide. And may you, like Joseph,...

JOY: It’s More than a Feeling

Advent Peace, Hope, Love and Joy… All of these themes are elusive in their own ways because we’re immersed in a culture that makes Christmas confusing.   Should joy be jammed into the same...

LOVE: The Loaves, the Lamb, the Life

Nazareth and now Bethlehem. The prophetic text of old paint a powerful picture of Christmas; for in understanding something about the PLACE of Christmas, we gain a richer glimpse of the PERSON who defines...

HOPE: On a Limb

“I’m gonna go out on a limb.” You’ve heard the expression used before.  Going out on a limb implies some measure of risk; And given the prophecy received from Jeremiah, it implies a great...

PEACE: Shalom Despite the Shouts

“Silent night, holy night. All is calm, all is bright” No it’s not!  At least it’s not in my house!  Perhaps its the same for you.  Sleep in heavenly peace?? Anybody with a child...

Lost and Found

The Lost and Found:  Those who are known to be lost and then found…and those who are found to be lost and never knew they were. The question begs:  Which ones are we?  What kind of faith will people find in us?  Join...

Who Will Feed Them?

Jesus and the disciples were in a deserted place, pursued by people who were hungry.  Jesus asked the question of Philip.  He asks the same question of us:  “Who will feed them?”  When we...

The Disciple Next Door

Sometimes your greatest witness happens at home.  In this message, find out how you’re quite likely the disciple next door. May the Lord richly bless you in the hearing and receiving of this word....