Finishing Touches

For many, nothing is as miserable than the thought of missing out.  Thomas did.  He was late. He was the one who was not with the other...

You Must be Kidding Me!

An empty tomb; a risen Jesus; a fulfilled promise…and a world turned upside down? It all seems so implausible, so…unbelievable.  Easter Sunday and April Fool’s Day have...

Remnants along the Roadway

Pretend as if the procession of palms has already passed… and now you’re there in Jerusalem, charged with the job of piecing the story together based on...

Cross Your Heart?

Smack dab in the heart of Holy Writ is a sold out, whole-hearted desire to live out the word of God It’s here in Psalm 119…but is...

God’s on Your Guest List

It’s the very first thing we see Jesus doing in the Gospel of John… It’s the lead off proclamation; it’s the first sign signaling a Savior’s arrival. ...

Turn the Tables!

What if the tables were turned… …on the way we go about finding happiness in relationships? …on the way we find contentment in a world bent on...

Hang On!

Freedom, Peace, Progress, Power…Joy It’s what we all want in the end, really.  Think about it:  Who doesn’t want peace, progress and joy in their marriage?  Who...

The One in the Wilder-Mess

“And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And...

Seen in Secret: Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday emphasizes a dual encounter; we confront our own mortality and confess our sin before God.  Such confessions, however, are done in light of God’s redeeming...

Mobile Homes

Jesus took three disciples up a high mountain where he was suddenly transfigured—his clothes became dazzling white and bright. No one had seen such an amazing light. ...