What Are the Chances?

from 9-30-2018  Given all the accounts in scripture that paint a crystal clear picture of God’s presence in the world, what are the chances… …That there is...

Just As I am Without One Plea

From 9-23-2018  Just as you are… In a world that constantly pressures us to be other than who we are in order to be accepted, this is...

The Stains Still Speak

We see it in the Beginning… …a private struggle that invariably bled out into the public sphere; an internal battle that had external implications—not just for one,...

23/7 Sermon Series Week 4

“He prepares a table before me in the presence of my… …enemies.” What?!  Friends and family? Sure. Acquaintances?  That’s fine. Strangers? So be it. But enemies?  Isn’t that going...

23/7 Sermon Series Week 3

From 9/2  You’re missing week 2 of the sermon series since that sermon was delivered during the church-wide picnic at the end of August.  We’ve since reconvened...

23/7 Sermon Series Week 1

It’s no revelation that we’re a 24/7 people… …But despite the cultural pressure to live life at a fever pitch, who said that it has to be...

See Saul

From 8-12-2018 It was an eye opening experience… …Saul’s conversion was.  A one-time terrorist to the early church, an enemy of those who follow Jesus had a...

This Bread Will also Rise

From 8-2-2018 There are a multitude of munchies we’ll pursue to temporarily pacify a craving… …But too often those pursuits curb an appetite for that which truly...

In Due Season

From 7-29-2018 The Psalms talk about God providing food…”in due season.” Oftentimes, in our high-paced, fast food, microwave society, it seems more palatable to pray for daily...