Foreign Territory

(MARY DID YOU KNOW SOLO CAN BE FOUND UNDERNEATH THE SERMON AUDIO FILE) Here we are a week after Christmas celebrations…and just when everything is boxed up...

Open Sermon Series Week 4

It’s just one word.  That one word carries so much weight and in that one word there is no greater welcome.  It’s all we look for in...

Open Sermon Series Week 3

It’s just one word.  That one word carries so much weight and in that one word there is no greater welcome.  It’s all we look for in...

Open Sermon Series Week 2

It’s just one word.  That one word carries so much weight and in that one word there is no greater welcome.  It’s all we look for in...

Open Sermon Series Week 1

It’s just one word.  That one word carries so much weight and in that one word there is no greater welcome.  It’s all we look for in...

Another Level Sermon Series Week 3

A wealthy woman. A crooked tax collector. Some unnamed neighbors. One added on, brick by brick. ANOTHER climbed up, branch by branch. ANOTHER tore down, tile by...

From Fear to Faith

It’s all around us.  It’s in this text: Predictive news that is ominous.  But, within it, there is a very present word of comfort that is obvious. ...

Another Level Sermon Series Week 2

A wealthy woman. A crooked tax collector. Some unnamed neighbors. One added on, brick by brick. ANOTHER climbed up, branch by branch. ANOTHER tore down, tile by...

Another Level: Sermon Series Week 1

A wealthy woman. A crooked tax collector. Some unnamed neighbors. One added on, brick by brick. ANOTHER climbed up, branch by branch. ANOTHER tore down, tile by...

Watch the Whether

It’s easy to be influenced by the climate outside, especially when you’re in the throes of conditions that are unfavorable like dry seasons. But perhaps instead of...