Have you grown out of faith or belief in God that didn’t grow up with you?
Perhaps you’ve taken some things on face value based on things you’ve watched without ever looking into WHY.

In this new sermon series, Rev. Jake Steele and CUMC have canvassed three concepts of God that have the capacity to compromise a real relationship:
One has to do with the problem of punishment. The other has to do with the problem of provision. This week has to do with the obstacles that surround protection.

But, alas, there is a population of people who don’t see God as Bludgeon, Bartender or Bodyguard. Rather, their larger question is, “God, who?” Why believe in anything? Why a Maker and why not matter? Some feel that one either has to be scientific and therefore not a person of faith or a person of and therefore not scientific. Is this a necessary dichotomy for living?

Perhaps this series will cause us to…think again.

May the Lord richly bless you in your hearing and receiving.

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