From 10-21-2018
Sorry for the delay, but included is the final of the three-week Sermon Series on Happiness.
Lay it Down…Let it go…and Give it Up.
The world in which we live coerces us to believe that if we want to harness happiness the formula is: get all you can, can all you get and then sit on the can. If that’s case, then why are we still so unhappy when we look out for #1? What if God literally “wired” us to live differently? What if the formula to lasting, sustained happiness wasn’t found in a cycle of “storing up” as a means of “spending on, but rather “gathering in” to “give it up.”
Join Rev. Jake Steele and CUMC in this final of a three week sermon series and find out more. May the Lord richly bless you in your hearing and receiving.
Luke 12: 13-21