Hi kids and welcome back!
Can you name or remember some of the miracles Jesus has done? Jesus actually performed a lot of miracles like healing the sick, helping a paralyzed man walk again, calming a terrible storm and even overcoming death! Jesus did one other miracle that really caught a lot of people’s attention and caused them to believe in Him. Watch the story below to learn about this miraculous moment in Jesus’ life.
Can you believe Jesus was able to feed over 5,000 people with just a little bit of bread and a few small fish? Believe it or not, this story tells us something about Jesus. It proves that Jesus cared and provided for ALL His people. It also proves the awesomeness of Him; how he can turn something so small into something much bigger. Because of this, people really started to believe in Jesus and that he must truly be the son of God because who else can do something so amazing such as this other than God himself? The next time you eat bread or fish, think of this story and be thankful for the food to nourish you and for Jesus who loves you.
For today’s activity there will be a bit of a quiz. Do you remember how much food was leftover after Jesus fed the 5,000? This coloring worksheet will help you find out the answer. Download, print and color this worksheet, Feeding5,000_ColorActivity