We’re suckers for renovation, aren’t we?

Long before technologies like TIVO or DVRs allowed us to buzz through commercials or pause programming, we’d stay glued to our seats in order to ensure that we would not miss the big reveal on shows like Extreme Home Makeover. 

You remember the famous line, right?  “Driver!  Move…that…bus!”  And all of a sudden, we’d behold the same property, but a different house; the same neighborhood, but a different scene…the same people, but different people.  All because someone prepared a place that transformed a people.

The biblical narrative is like that.

From one scene to another, one chapter to another, one person to another the story is the same:  God preparing a place and transforming a people or people preparing a place and receiving transformation.  We see it from Genesis to Jesus and future generations.  We see it at Pentecost where there was an extreme Rome makeover because there was an extreme home makeover in the hearts of men and women touched by holy fire.

It can happen to you as well.

Join Rev. Jake Steele and CUMC as they celebrate the birth of the church and pray for transformation of hearts as well.  May you be richly blessed in your hearing and receiving of this word. 

Acts 2: 1-21

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