“He prepares a table before me in the presence of my…

enemies.” What?!  Friends and family? Sure. Acquaintances?  That’s fine. Strangers? So be it. But enemies?  Isn’t that going a bit too far?  It’s difficult to share the same space with an enemy let alone eat with them.  But that’s what Psalm 23 says. If we’re being honest with ourselves, sometimes it’s easier to walk through the valley of the shadow than it is to sit down at the table.

Discord, disunity, vitriol, rancor, and verbal volleyball comprise a 24/7 scene.  But what if we really sought to be 23/7 people who embraced the tedious, yet transformative statement of this Psalm that speaks of sitting down at a table in the presence of enemies. 

The world would be a different scene indeed. 

 In the final week of this sermon series, join Rev. Jake Steele and CUMC as they delve into this powerful word that challenges us to develop the spiritual strength to sit face-to-face rather than stand toe-to-toe.  May the Lord richly bless you in your hearing and receiving.

Psalm 23

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