In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God, the Word was with God and in the fullness of time, the Word became flesh…and dwelt among us.

If Christ, the word made flesh, moved into the neighborhood in search of us—the marginalized, the needy, the helpless and the hopeless—then it only follows that THIS body of Christ does the same! 

Once again, Christ United Methodist Church is partnering with Wheeling Health Right in an effort to love God with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength by loving our neighbors as ourselves.  Think about it:  If YOU were at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level, uninsured or under-insured and were in desperate need of medical attention, how would you want your neighbors, your community–your CHURCH–to respond?

Christ Church’s effort to be a Caring Congregation of Wheeling Health Right is one step in our attempt to be the healing hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbors in Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel and Tyler Counties in WV as well as Belmont Co, in OH. 


Last year, 70 congregations participated in raising $19, 240.23, which is an amount that provided for the care of 26 patients for an entire year.

As the healthcare landscape changes and the economy is in constant flux, Wheeling Health Right remains the only source of healthcare to thousands of our friends and neighbors.  We want to be a faith family in this community that is known for living into its identity of being a ray of resurrective power let loose in the world by the hope of a Risen Christ.  We’re perpetually an Easter people!

In the coming weeks, may we–in solidarity–bind together to be beacons of hope and grace in the Wheeling area. 

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