“For God so loved that he gave…”
Pay attention to those verbs. One has everything to do with the other. It seems that a depth of love finds its expression in the breadth of generosity.
Through the gift of God’s very self in Christ Jesus, we see the fullness of the Lord’s love for us…and because of that, we’re heirs of salvation, purchased by God—born of his Spirit and washed in his blood.
“This is our story,” as the old hymns goes. We so give as an outworking of being so loved. As such, we seek to be a 3:16 people 365 days of the year. Through your giving, you’re not just sustaining the ministries of a church; you’re expanding the kingdom of God in the world!
Thanks for your faithfulness!
What is Tithe.ly?
Tithe.ly is our in-house, online giving platform that affords you the ability to conveniently and efficiently contribute to Christ UMC and our ministries. Contributions can be made via any device (smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer) where the church webpage can be accessed.
Is Tithe.ly easy to use?
Absolutely! If you’re a first-time user, all you need to do is go to christwheeling.org and click the “Online Giving” button located in the upper right-hand corner, which will bring you to our giving page. Click “Please Give Now” and you’ll see our in-house giving window that looks like this:

Simply input your information in the listed fields, choose your giving options and you’re all set! If you choose, you can make your gift recurring!
Is it safe?
All financial information is encrypted and stored by Tithe.ly’s banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards. Translation: It is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry. Additionally, Tithe.ly forces HTTPS (secured website connections) for all transaction services. Christ UMC has created a dedicated checking account for all online transactions.
Can I designate my gift?
Certainly! Our in-house drop-down menu provides you the latitude to specify where you want your gift to go. General budget? Missions? Seasonal offering? The options are there for you.
How do I know that my gift went through and it got to the right place?
As soon as someone gives via Tithe.ly they instantly receive an email with the details of their transaction. All giving history for each member is also tracked administratively on our end. We can help you check records through the church’s financial office.