Here at Christ Church we are dedicated to growing Deeper in Discipleship. Spiritually speaking, we can’t offer what we don’t have. How can we be bearers of the word if we aren’t familiar with the word? How can we enrich others in faith if we aren’t taking the necessary steps to be enriched ourselves?

The Sunday morning class schedule that is listed evidences the fact that we take seriously what Jesus said about loving God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind. As such, we offer small group Sunday School classes for all ages. Take a look below and prayerfully consider joining one or more of these groups being offered. Are you curious about Christianity? Aren’t sure about faith? Skeptical about the scriptures? Not sure you profess a faith? This is a great place for you!

Christian Formation at Christ United Methodist Church

Babies and Toddlers:

 Babies and toddlers are not only cared for here, they’re introduced to the Christian faith through music and play.

Nursery:  Jamie Laferty  (Main Floor, Educational Wing)

At CUMC, nursery care is offered for children from birth to 3 years old. If you are a parent or guardian and plan to make use of nursery care, please enter the church facility as you normally would and an usher manning the double doors to our education wing will direct you to the nursery. Once there, please sign your child in and supply your contact number in the event Jamie needs to reach you. Once returning to the sanctuary, if you are to be seated on the main level, please request that an usher seat you on the aisle end of a pew for ease of moving in and out if needed.

Children and Elementary Youth:

For our Preschool-Elementary Classes, kids learn the Gospel through age-appropriate games, interactive lessons, coloring, music, and video accompaniments.

We are beginning a new Cokesbury Curriculum entitled Big Faith, which is designed around four Big Faith ideas: Faith in God (each fall), Faith in Community (each winter), Faith in Jesus (each spring), and Faith in Action (each summer).

Big Faith is an interactive journey that invites children to explore their faith in the context of their everyday lives. Each session is designed to engage children in a faith concept, a Bible story, age-appropriate hands-on activities, and reflection sessions where they can share what they have learned with each other.

A Scope and Sequence will be available to parents so that they can follow along and support the curriculum taught each Sunday.

  • 4 years through Kindergarten – Ms. Tammy Tomazoli assisted by Ms. Jamie Lafferty
  • 1st through 5th grade – Mrs. Marci Marshall and Mrs. Cheryl Sprague

Middle School and High School Youth:

Mr. Gary Sprague will facilitate the Middle School and Up class which will focus during the Fall season on “The God Who Created Us”, “The God Who Corrects Us”, and “The God Who Calls Us”, through the use of the publication The Rock by David Cook.

The book Learning to Study the Bible by L.J. Zimmerman will also be used as a resource and study guide. The Bible will be explored using the classic question: Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?

All materials are provided.

  • Youth – 6th Grade and up: Gary Sprague

Registration Forms

A requirement of our Safe Sanctuary Policy, registration forms are needed for each child or youth attending a Sunday School class. Registration forms can be obtained in the Narthex and turned in on the opening day of Sunday School or obtained and completed on the first day of Sunday School attendance. You may also register your child/youth using the digital form below.

Please complete one per student. Upon completion, this electronic form will be forwarded to our Christian Education Team for filing.  Thanks for taking the time and making a significant investment in the life of your child!


Adult Sunday School Small Groups: 9:45 – 10:45 am:

1. Seekers for Christ  – Conference Room


Is your heart unsettled by the chaos of the world? Are you heavy-laden with bad moments, mad moments, or anxious moments? Today, rest in God’s self-giving love and leave all your troubles at the foot of the cross.

There were no accidents on the days surrounding Jesus’ death. Jesus’ last moments were not left up to chance. God chose the path; he selected the nails. Our Lord planted the trio of crosses and painted the sign. God was never more sovereign than in the details of the death of his Son. God didn’t have to do all these things, you know. The only required act for our salvation was the shedding of blood, yet he did much more. So much more.

In He Chose the NailsNew York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado will help you:

  • Learn just how much God loves and cares for you.
  • Take comfort that Jesus understands everything you face in this life.
  • Remember that there’s nothing you can do to earn God’s gift.
  • Stand firm in the promise that you are forgiven, and you are welcome in God’s presence.

Search the scene of the cross and listen for God’s gentle whisper, “I did it just for you.”

If you are interested in joining The Seekers Sunday School Class for this Lenten study – please see Colette McFadden or Carole Adams.

2. Inquirers Class – Room 108

We will be starting a new book, The Gospel of John, by Amy-Jill Levine, on Sunday, March 23rd for six weeks. Won’t you consider joining us? Questions? See a current class member!

John’s Gospel offers readers a new language―of being born anew, of living water, of wind and spirit, of the “I am”―that enhances how we understand the divine, how we experience the world, and how we participate in the mystery of faith. The author introduces readers to the world of the Gospel of John by unpacking the stories in their original context, along with examining how the text is read today. This book considers the Gospel of John in its entirety, moving through the Gospel and exploring the prologue, the wedding at Cana, the Samaritan woman at the well and the woman caught in adultery, the healing of the man at the pool and the man born blind, foot washing, Mary Magdalene and Doubting Thomas, and the Lamb of God.

Consistently throughout the year, other group study opportunities are available. This site will provide more information as it is made available. Hope to see you on Sunday mornings!