A Christmas Letter
Mary said, “yes” to the advancement of God’s plan even though it meant the death of the way she’d dreamed life would be—even quite possibly the death of her life itself. Joseph had...
Mary said, “yes” to the advancement of God’s plan even though it meant the death of the way she’d dreamed life would be—even quite possibly the death of her life itself. Joseph had...
The case can be made that no one neighbors anymore. Since no one neighbors, we’re generally shocked by the knock. Count the number of knocks you get on a monthly basis and I’ll bet...
The catch-22. Ever been caught in one? The dictionary defines a catch-22 as a situation in which one is caught or trapped by contradictory conditions: You can’t get a job without experience, but you can’t...
Have you ever been weary on the road without a reservation booked, running low on energy, and running out of options? It’s one of those situations where you either find a place to crash...
Just last week, with school being out and summer work schedules subsequently getting trickier, circumstances were such that I brought Brody and Bethany with me to Thursday evening Bible Study, which is held at...
“So keep a sharp lookout, for you don’t know the timetable…stay at your post, watching. You have no idea when the homeowner is returning, whether evening, midnight, cockcrow, or morning. You don’t want him...
Examine the Jerusalem path laden with leafy branches and don’t overlook the cloaks strewn all over the place, disheveled like discounted apparel on the clearance rack of a thrift store floor. They’re the last...
We’ve read the headlines, we’ve seen the breaking news updates, we’ve shared or retweeted posts of pictures that are almost impossible to put away. We shouldn’t. We mustn’t. Try as we may to mentally distance ourselves...
If you regularly join us in worship, you’ll know that we’ve started a sermon series revolving around the question, “Is that You?” Seasoned in faith or just starting out, the question hits at the...
My daughter, Bethany, is 3 years old and she’s already wearing me out with her wardrobe. She has an opinion for every piece of clothing, even her preference for pajamas! “Daddy, I want these...