An ANNUAL PASTORAL EVALUATION is led by the Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (S/PPRC). This process is conducted with the pastor and congregation to identify areas for growth to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the...
A procession of palms; a parade of ‘hosannas’-turned-chorus of ‘crucify him.’ In between, there’s a solemn but significant meal in an upper room, followed by a moonlit prayer in the ominous shadows of an...
Join us on April 7th at 7:00 pm for a Good Friday service that will engage all of your senses. On that evening, you’ll walk through a series of interactive stations that will move...
Get ready, boys and girls, for CUMC’s Easter Egg Hunt with a biblical twist! Children 1 year through the 4th grade are invited to attend. Please bring a basket or item to carry your...
The Inquirers Class will begin a new study on Sunday, March 19th at 9:45 a.m. in Room 108 “Theologians are known for debating doctrines and interpretations of scripture, often leading to vehement disagreement and...
We love the idea of a God who builds and blesses. But how receptive would you be if you knew that the building and the blessing would occur after the breaking? Through the month...
Spring is almost here and that means it’s time for the NCU Spring Flower Sale! The NCU is partnering again with the Living Color fundraiser program and is selling the following: Flyers with order...
Christ UMC coordinates a weekly food ministry, delivering weekend “backpacks” to children in Middle Creek and Elm Grove Elementary schools. The current cost is $260.00 per child for the school year. The backpack program...
Take a peek inside the Scriptures and see: When a pregnant Mary shows up and says hello, a very pregnant Elizabeth exclaims, “As soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child...
Students in 6th grade – 12 grade Do you have a child or grandchild that wishes to “confirm” their baptismal vows and thus become a member of Christ United Methodist Church and the United...