Upcoming Lenten Series
Our Lenten journey isn’t a surface-level dip…It’s an all-out dive. From baptismal waters to the wilderness, we stand in the wake of a Lord who goes deep down to redeem us. We’re going down...
Our Lenten journey isn’t a surface-level dip…It’s an all-out dive. From baptismal waters to the wilderness, we stand in the wake of a Lord who goes deep down to redeem us. We’re going down...
I can almost hear host, Gene Wood belting it out on the TV (or perhaps for many of you game show watchers it was Richard Dawson), but the words are burned into our collective...
Poet, Leslie Leyland Fields, once wrote: “Let the stable still astonish: Straw-dirt floor, dull eyes, dusty flanks of donkeys; oxen;Crumbling, crooked walls; no bed to carry that pain,And then the child, rag-wrapped, laid to...
Christmas Eve will be one to excite! Come to Christ Church on the 24th and step onto the scene of Good News Group Home where you’ll find a rag-tag collection of kids and young...
The pressure is pervasive. Try as we may to change the channel or tip-toe around it, there isn’t a soul who doesn’t sense the undertow of tension within an election cycle. As such, perhaps...
It’s a great question: Whatever happened to happy? These days, it seems we have a hard time finding it…and it’s not for a lack of searching (because we all want it) or substitutes we’ve...
The cool in the morning air signals a looming shift from summer to fall. Next. As such, our kids have begrudgingly traded sand buckets for lunch boxes. Next. It’s not even October and there’s...
If you blinked, you would’ve missed a bevy of movements occurring around us. Indeed, there has been no shortage of activity within the life of the church, both on the local and denominational levels. Given...
Political parading. Racial tension. Social unrest. Spiritual strife. “How can we sense God with no sign of good? The outside world and our inside state seem so…upside down.” Can you identify? Have you ever...
Goliath lives. If you haven’t noticed, there are giants in your jurisdiction. They’re not scaling buildings in a single bound; they’re not swatting choppers or smashing tanks, but they’re stealing peace and crushing spirits one after...