Treasures in Heaven
Hi Kids and Welcome Back, Today we are going to learn about the time Jesus gathered all of his followers and told them what His kingdom was like (a.k.a heaven) and how people can...
Hi Kids and Welcome Back, Today we are going to learn about the time Jesus gathered all of his followers and told them what His kingdom was like (a.k.a heaven) and how people can...
Hi Kids and Welcome Back! Today we are going to be learning about what Jesus once said to His people about how much they mean to God. Jesus told them that they are much...
Hi Kids and Welcome Back! Today’s lesson is going to be on living water. Living water is what Jesus gives to people when they become His friends. Jesus’ friends are anyone who believes and...
Hi Kids and Welcome Back! Today we’ll have a quick lesson on…you guessed it! Father’s Day! Did you know that you have two fathers in your life? That’s right! You have your earthly father...
Christ UMC Family, Greetings in the name of our risen Lord! I trust this note finds you healthy and secure, albeit a bit stir-crazy. Words can’t adequately capture how much I miss seeing you,...
Christ UMC Family, Perhaps you may never have been personally affected by the struggles of addiction, whether it be yourself or your family, but what if you did know someone else who is facing...
Hey Kids and Welcome Back! Today we are going to be learning about two very important things….honesty and trust. As you may already know, honesty is when you tell the truth or are being...
Hi Kids and Welcome Back! Today we are going to be learning about the Great Commission from the gospel of Matthew. What is the Great Commission you may ask? Well, a commission is a...
Hi Kids & Welcome Back! Today is Pentecost! Do you know what Pentecost means? Pentecost is a holy day that occurs 40 days after Easter where Christians celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit....
Hi Christ Kids, Today we are going to be learning about the Holy Spirit. Have you heard of the Holy Spirit before? I’m sure you have. The Holy Spirit is what we are filled...