Mary’s Joy
Hi Kids! Let’s all rejoice for the season of Advent! The word Advent comes from Latin and means “to come”. The thing we await is Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus....
Hi Kids! Let’s all rejoice for the season of Advent! The word Advent comes from Latin and means “to come”. The thing we await is Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus....
Hi Kids! This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. We leave the Esau-and-Jacob story and move into stories leading up to the birth of Jesus. Today we will hear from the prophet Isaiah....
Hi kids! Today we’re finishing our story on Jacob and Esau. If you can remember from the past couple of weeks, Jacob and Esau were twin brothers born of Isaac and Rebekah. Jacob and...
Hi Kids! Last week, we learned about two brothers, Jacob and Esau, who didn’t get along. As we know, Jacob and Esau were twins; Esau being the older twin. Since Esau was the oldest,...
Hi Kids! Today we are going to continue our lesson on blessings from God. Last week, we learned about Isaac (son of Abraham and Sarah) finding a bride (Rebekah). Once Isaac and Rebekah were...
Hi Kids! Last week we learned about the birth of Abraham and Sarah’s son, Isaac. For many years, Abraham and Sarah waited for God to fulfill His promise to them. God told Abraham that...
Hi Kids! From our lessons on Abraham and Sarah over the past several weeks, we learned that Abraham and Sarah put their faith in God because God promised them one thing. Do you remember...
Hi Kids! Over the past few weeks we have been learning about Abraham and Sarah. As we know, Abraham was spoken to by God in which he was told to leave his home with...
Hi Kids! Today we’re going to continue our story on Abraham. As we learned last week, God asked Abraham and his wife, Sarah, to go on a journey and move to a place far...
Hi Kids! Today’s lesson revolves around one special word and that word is faith. What does it mean to have faith? The definition we use for faith is “to believe in God’s presence and...