Scouting Sunday
Whether you are a current or past scout or have one in your family, please join us on Sunday, February 9th during the 11:00 a.m. worship service as we honor our scouts.
Whether you are a current or past scout or have one in your family, please join us on Sunday, February 9th during the 11:00 a.m. worship service as we honor our scouts.
Please enjoy this special Christmas message from the children of Christ UMC.
The winter solstice is the longest night of the year and with it sometimes comes feelings of loss and sadness. Some of us have experienced losses of loved ones, divorce, changes in our personal...
Stay up-to-date with CUMC by checking out our monthly news article. See announcements, upcoming events, a note from Pastor Jake, and more!
CALLING ALL CLMs!!! As a Certified Lay Minister in the West Virginia Annual Conference, we invite you to join others to continue our studies, be a support network for one another, and discuss ways...
Join us for an advent study this holiday season as we explore the book The Christmas Letters by Magrey DeVega who invites us to hear about the miracle of Christ’s birth from those who...
My wife’s grandmother, Edith battled Alzheimer’s throughout most of the time I had the pleasure of knowing her. As many know, the disease devastates one’s cognition, but it also can tamper with temperament as...
We would like to hear from you. Why are we conducting this survey? This survey is designed to gather input from our congregation specifically about resolutions passed at the spring 2024 General Conference that...
Family Fun!!! Won’t you join us on Saturday, November 23rd for an afternoon of fellowship and fun? We will be getting together to play games of all kinds – cards, dice, board, puzzles –...
Are you wanting a deeper faith connection and a better understanding of discipleship? Are you curious about what it means to be a United Methodist? How are we similar or different from other faith...