Christmas Giving Trees
CUMC Family & Friends, Two giving trees are stationed at Christ United Methodist Church (located in the Narthex or Main Entrance of the church). One tree has tags for young mothers in need from...
CUMC Family & Friends, Two giving trees are stationed at Christ United Methodist Church (located in the Narthex or Main Entrance of the church). One tree has tags for young mothers in need from...
CUMC Family, We will once again be participating in the Appalachian Christmas Shoe Box Project. This project is separate from the Appalachian Christmas Project you see below (but you may still give to this...
Christ UMC coordinates a weekly food ministry, delivering weekend “backpacks” to over 171 children in Middle Creek and Elm Grove Elementary schools. The current cost is $180.00 per child for the school year. The...
The New Covenant Unit (NCU) will be selling Gourmet Classic Cookie Dough. The sale will benefit women’s and children’s services in the area. The sale will run from September 15th – October 18th, 2024....
Advent season is quickly approaching, and with that, it’s time again for CUMC’s annual “Candy for Charity” Sale (formally King Unit Candy)! This year’s candy sale includes: If you have not already received the...
The women of CUMC who meet monthly as the New Covenant Unit are selling fresh pine Christmas wreaths, sprays, and centerpieces as a fundraiser. All proceeds will be passed on to missions for women...
Brothers & Sisters of Christ, The Annual Undie Sunday (or month if you prefer) is upon us once more! If you are unfamiliar with Undie Sunday, during the months of September through October, clothing...
Putting faith into action is an important part of being a United Methodist. Your West Virginia Conference Volunteers in Mission are offering the following opportunities for service: Long-Term Recovery in Florida: February 26 –...
CUMC Family and Friends, In January, brothers and sisters of the United Methodist Church, including CUMC’s own Winnie Hurd, will be traveling to Bungoma, Kenya on a mission trip to serve Living Hope High...
Brothers and Sisters of Christ, We are called by the Lord to love and serve one another, but you may ask yourself, “How can I do this as the Lord commands me?” One way...