Do you know someone who has been thinking about coming to church but can’t quite commit? Are you friends with someone you’d like to introduce to Jesus? Are you aware of a family that is so busy they just can’t seem to devote time to coming to church every week but want to get back into a church family?

If you answered yes to any of these questions – we have an opportunity for you – Messy Church!! It’s an all-age worship service that combines learning about God, sharing a meal, and doing all kinds of fun activities with each other.

Messy Church will meet on the second Wednesday of every month from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

I’m sure your next question is – how can I get involved? A couple of ways: first, pray for this new opportunity to reach new people and everyone involved with it; second, invite a friend or family to attend, and third, volunteer to help – we have lots of choices (see the sign-up sheet in the church’s Narthex).

If you have questions, reach out to Diann Nickerson at

Please register for Messy Church below or call the church office at 304-242-2455.