Hi Kids!
Today we’re going to hear one of the stories of how the good news of Jesus Christ began. The story involves two men who were very different from one another, Cornelius and Peter. Cornelius was a centurion (a Roman soldier) and a Gentile (a non-Jew), whereas Peter was one of Jesus’ disciples and a Jew. During this time, Gentiles and Jews did not mingle with one another because Jews considered Gentiles “unclean” for they ate foods and performed acts that were not allowed for Jews to do. Both Gentiles and Jews worshipped God but in different ways as Cornelius and Peter had. One day, God sent a vision to Cornelius and Peter. Watch the story below by Fellowship Kids to learn what these visions were and the meaning behind them.
As we’ve seen from the story, God wanted everyone to know about Jesus Christ no matter how different people’s religious beliefs were. God sent a vision to two men, Cornelius and Peter, who both had different religious beliefs. Centurion and the other Gentiles did not know about Jesus Christ yet and were astounded to hear the good news when Peter arrived. Peter was also amazed and learned a valuable lesson. God showed Peter that just because someone worships differently, it does not make that person “unclean.” It was not up to Peter to judge someone as “unclean” but up to God. Since we all come from God, everyone is worthy of God’s love, no matter how different we may be from one another.
For today’s activity, let’s sing along to a beautiful song by Lifetree Kids on how God and Jesus love us no matter who we are.