Christ UMC Family,

Grace and peace to each of you! Whether you’re in-state or out of state, online or in-person, I greet you in the unshakeable name of Jesus Christ. Whoever you are, wherever you are, and however you are, know that you have the strength, support, and care of this community as we navigate conditions around us. In words I can’t adequately articulate on a page, I give God thanks for you and your place in this family. This memo is geared to keep you informed. To that end, please note the following:

1.) Worship Schedule:

Beginning Sunday, November 28th (the first Sunday in Advent), we will return to our “pre-pandemic” worship schedule: 8:30 a.m. in the chapel and 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.

2.) Masks:

Given the data we’ve received from the county health department along with the information we’ve noted relative to our state’s vaccination rate, masks during worship will be optional for those who have been vaccinated. We fully understand that there will be those who’ve been vaccinated and “boosted” and still choose to wear a mask; we certainly respect your decision if that’s your preference. We still request that our little ones under twelve as well as adults who’ve not been vaccinated to wear a mask upon entering—this is noted primarily as a precaution to you as well as those around you. As I’ve mentioned before, you may be thinking, “Well, how can we be sure whether or not one has been vaccinated? Isn’t there a method we can use to make sure?” Yes! Here’s one method: “Have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor: 2:16). 

When one has the mind of Christ, they’re not trying to make up their own mind. On the contrary, having the mind of Christ means I have a mind for you. It’s that simple. Brothers and sisters, remember: we’re a community of faith, not a community of consumers. When we walk into worship, we’re not here to “get ours” inasmuch as we’re here to “give glory.”

3.)  Seating:

Our entering, exiting, and seating protocol will remain the same for now, until we get a better feel for seating in the coming weeks. Remember: our seating has much to do with capacity. It’s much easier for first-time visitors, returning guests, and those coming in late to find a seat when we free up pews that are closest to the front narthex doors. 

With that, with Advent expectation, we look forward to seeing you in worship!

See You Sunday,

Pastor Jake

For those not comfortable worshiping in-person, our live stream will always be an option. To view Christ UMC’s Sunday service via live stream at 11:00 a.m., click here.