Brothers and Sisters of the Ohio Valley Community,

We all have had our own struggles in overcoming the uncertainty and fear that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to our doors. It might be safe to say most of us have bounced back from the disruption of normal, everyday life. But for some, this is not the case. Our brothers and sisters who live at or near the poverty level in our community were not only suffering before the pandemic, but even more so now. Many of these individuals have lost their jobs as businesses were forced to close their doors. These people now have even less means to acquire necessary items needed to maintain a basic standard of living.

For years, our good friends and partners at the House of the Carpenter organization in Wheeling has been helping lower-income families in many different ways; whether it be assisting with utilities, giving food or clothing, or providing children with a safe space for education and fun. This year, however, there are even more people in need with not enough resources to serve. Please take a moment to read the letter below from HOC’s Executive Director, Dr. Mike Linger:

Even though it seems the holiday season or the “Season of Giving” isn’t upon us yet, it’s never too early to think about giving back to our community and helping our neighbors. Here at Christ UMC, we ask of everyone in the community to try to donate at least one item listed in the letter above. This could even be turned into a fun event with groups of people: friends, family, congregations, businesses, etc. to do one or more of HOC’s programs this year.

At Christ UMC, donations for HOC’s underwear and sock program is happening now until October 11th, and donations for HOC’s Christmas Kid and Advent Food Pantry programs begin around or shortly after Thanksgiving. Donations can be given individually to the House of the Carpenter or through Christ UMC’s efforts. If you have questions about any of HOC’s programs, either call HOC directly at (304) 233-4640 or call Christ United Methodist Church at (304) 242-2455.

Please prayerfully consider helping HOC provide for our neighbors in need. Let’s show that this community is a community that cares for all our neighbors!

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”

Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)

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