Hi Kids!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about Abraham and Sarah. As we know, Abraham was spoken to by God in which he was told to leave his home with his wife, Sarah, and travel to a place far away. God promised Abraham that once he and Sarah made it to their new home, God would give them a child and make Abraham the “Father of All Nations. Abraham kept his faith in God and did as he was told. Today, we’re going to learn about Sarah’s faith in God. Watch the story below to learn more:

From the story, Sarah’s faith in God seemed to have been shaken. Faith is hard. It’s hard to wait for something you want really badly. Sarah may have laughed because she couldn’t believe that, at her age, God’s promise would come to pass. When the messenger asked Sarah, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Sarah then understood that God truly can make her dream of having children become a reality, and so she kept her faith in Him.

To remind ourselves of our faith in God, we’re going to paint faith rocks for today’s activity.

What you’ll need:

  • Rock
  • Paint or Sharpies


  • Try to find a rock that fits easily in your hand and has a flat surface.
  • Using paint or sharpies, write the word FAITH on your rock. Around FAITH, add some stars, flowers, or any other cool shapes and patterns to the rock.
  • If you ever feel you have lost faith in God, hold your faith rock and remember that God is always with you.