Hi Kids and Welcome Back!

Today we are going to be learning about what Jesus once said to His people about how much they mean to God. Jesus told them that they are much more valuable to God than anything else in this world; more than money, houses, flowers, bugs and even birds. That’s right! Since we are all God’s children, every single one of us, including you, mean the most to God. Check out the video below to learn more:

Remember kids, as long as you are happy and healthy, you have nothing to worry about for God will take care of you. Don’t worry about having a bunch of great stuff like the best toys, or clothing or whatever it may be. None of those things can bring true happiness for you like God and His kingdom can.

Here’s a fun song below that reflects on the lesson we learned today about not worrying so much for you are valuable to God. Dance and sing along to the song and have fun!
