As a Certified Lay Minister in the West Virginia Annual Conference, we invite you to join others to continue our studies, be a support network for one another, and discuss ways we can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

We will be reading and discussing the book, The Good and Beautify God by James Bryan Smith, beginning in January 2025. We will meet in person at Christ UMC Wheeling for those in the Northern District and via Zoom for those of us far away on the first Tuesday of the month. We will meet at 9 a.m. for 90 minutes each month beginning on January 7th.

We are hopeful this study will result in some of us forming covenant groups within our districts so that we can remain encouraging, supportive, and accountable to others as we live our lives as Jesus followers.

If you would like to join our study, please email Diann Nickerson at and she will send a confirmation response and zoom link for the meetings.