Mary said, “yes” to the advancement of God’s plan even though it meant the death of the way she’d dreamed life would be—even quite possibly the death of her life itself.
Joseph had every green light to go. Every sensibility screamed that he sever the engagement and skip out of town in search of a more stable situation…and still, he stayed.
Scraggly shepherds—nomadic bottom feeders—often poach property if they knew it’d sustain their sheep for another day. They stayed out of sight, out of earshot, and out of the line of smell. It was better that way until early one morning, the clouds cracked and an angelic chorus first delivered news that good to a segment of the community that was regarded to be that bad. It was odd to be included and though it would’ve made more sense to remain in the margins, they risked the interruption.
Finally, Persian astronomers who didn’t even go to church started charting the skies. They matched what they’d read in a Jewish word with what they were watching in the world. Common sense and convenience would suggest they stay at a distance to spectate…and yet, they trek hundreds of miles since they had to see what (or Who) was beneath that star in the sky.
There’s a common thread within the fabric of the faithful who prepared a place for Christ to come. Don’t let your familiarity with the story fool with your focus. The truth that underpins the birth narrative of Jesus (as well as those whom God invited to play a part) is the same truth that should shine a light on anyone who wishes to make an impact on the world…and the truth is this:

While significance isn’t always immediately seen following the sacrifice, nothing significant has ever been achieved absent it. Sacrifice begets significance. Remember Mallory? How could we forget!

Most of us have never met, nor do we know who Mallory is, and yet we know what she believes—the same thing Mary did: that the Lord does significant things in the world when there’s a sacrifice in faith. The backpack meals this congregation turned over in the name of Jesus were turned into an open door through which a young life saw, experienced, and was drawn to the joy of generosity. Mallory’s plea was essentially Mary’s prayer, which should also be ours: “Lord, please use this…” Please use this to carry out your promise. In Christ’s name, Amen.
This is an invitation for you to consider celebrating Christ’s birth with the gift of an extra offering in support of the ministries and mission of Christ UMC, much like that of our backpack program. Please prayerfully consider dropping off or mailing in a check to Christ United Methodist Church, 1232 National Rd., Wheeling, WV 26003. Please make checks out to CUMC with “Christmas Offering” in the memo line. You may also give digitally through our online giving portal here.
The significant things of God that we celebrate often do not come absent…(you guessed it)…a sacrifice. As we close out 2022, I want to humbly thank you for your steadfastness and support. To the best of your ability, please complete your commitments and if you haven’t done so already, please also prayerfully submit a commitment card for 2023. The Lord is always found to be faithful. May the same be said of us!
Join us for Christmas Eve worship either at 4 pm or 7 pm in the main sanctuary. This year, our special Christmas eve skit will take place at both services! Also, invite your friends and family and join us as we celebrate our Savior’s birth on Christmas Day during a 10 am combined worship service in the main sanctuary.