Hi Kids!

Today’s lesson revolves around one special word and that word is faith. What does it mean to have faith? The definition we use for faith is “to believe in God’s presence and hope.” We will explore the meaning of faith through God’s promises (in which he made a lot of in the Bible). The story of Abraham and Sarah is one of many stories found in the Bible about God’s promises and people’s faith in those promises. Watch the story below to learn more:

Can you imagine if Abraham decided to not to do as God told him by leaving his home and moving somewhere far away? Abraham and Sarah would have never had children, or grandchildren, or great-grandchildren, and thus, Jesus would have never been born! However, Abraham trusted God and had faith in Him. It’s always best to listen to God and to have faith in Him. After all, God knows whats best for us.

If God asked you to leave your home and go on a journey to a far away place, what kind of belongings would you take with you? For today’s activity, download/print the page below containing a suitcase. Draw in the suitcase what you think you would take with you on your journey.