Christ UMC Family,
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord! I trust this note finds you healthy and secure, albeit a bit stir-crazy. Words can’t adequately capture how much I miss seeing you, studying with you, serving with you, worshipping with you and doing life together. Since March, we’ve been forced to establish a new normal and maintain a different rhythm, which has invariably changed the complexion of our day-to-day lives. For some, this shift has deliberately caused us to be more cognizant of things that we otherwise would have kept on a lower mental shelf space—things like sitting down for dinner as a family, having leisurely conversation on the porch, consistently calling and checking-in on loved ones and friends, walks around the neighborhood, attention to personal health and a long overdue appreciation for a sunny day.
One reality that a quarantine has unquestionably caused me to consider is how fundamental a faith family is and how much the human heart hungers for physical community (beyond the convenience of technology and its ability to connect us). The Gospel of John is quick to remind us that from the beginning, the Word was made flesh for a reason—foundationally because we need it to be tangible, to see it and touch it.
On many levels, it’s taxing to be out of touch. In that vein, many of us are waiting and wondering about the day we might be able to get back in touch—at least to be able to share the same physical space and to do so safely. That’s the impetus behind this letter among some other items that are worthy of your attention, so please keep reading.
#1: “I hear of other faith communities going back to church. Why haven’t we reopened?”
Since some governmental restrictions have lifted as it pertains to gathering for worship, you might be wondering why CUMC is not yet. First, unlike other denominations such as our Episcopal or Catholic friends, we’re not structured to await word from our bishop, who either authorizes or unauthorizes worship for all area churches. Contrastingly, in the United Methodist Church, even though we have an episcopal leader called a bishop, the decision to open or close is made from the local level. That said, however, our bishop and cabinet have constructed guidelines (in accordance with the CDC) that are and will be applied to each UM church and the way those guidelines are observed differ depending on context. For instance, a rural UM congregation of 12 members will navigate the guidelines differently than Christ UMC in Wheeling. Due to our size, our demographic and the particular programs that we offer, relaunching isn’t as simple as unlocking the doors.
When the guidelines were released a few weeks ago, I promptly assembled a “Relaunch Team” of leaders within the congregation who’ve collectively reviewed the guidelines and are currently in weekly video conference meetings, having discussion about what it will take to create a worshipping space that is practical, feasible and safe for everyone.
CUMC Re-Launch Team
Rev. Jake Steele, Pastor
Andy Jackson, Chair-Discipleship Council
Jane Costanzo, Treasurer
Larry Murphy, Chair of Trustees
Jason Koegler, Chair of Finance
Carol Carroll, Lay Leader
Carole Adams, Chair of Spirit Team
Once this re-launch team has finished its work, it will compose a recommendation to members of Discipleship Council for review and vote.
#2: Do we have a projected date to return to church?
Yes. The team has set the first Sunday in July (July 5th) as a tentative re-launch date. Why July, you ask? Firstly, we want to keep our fingers on the pulse of this virus and assess whether or not warmer weather has an effect. Secondly, as the surrounding community begins to reopen, we want to make sure that church gatherings don’t unduly create upticks in cases. Thirdly, we’re using the remainder of May and all of June not only to strategize and plan, but to gather data from you. That’s right! We need and value your prompt input. Here’s how you can help us:
Attached to this memo is a poll of sorts that we’re asking you to complete. This poll indicates whether or not you would be willing to come back to worship in July. Also, if you’re one who isn’t technologically savvy or does not have digital access to our worship services (on Facebook, or Livestream or recorded sermons via, we’ll be making copies of recent sermon audios on CD for those who are interested. Please fill out the electronic poll at the bottom of this memo.
Once we get a healthy number of responses from you, it will further our efforts in determining what worship can look like, when it will occur and how often it will occur. Whoever you are and wherever you are with respect to COVID related issues, CUMC has a commitment to remaining accountable to you as a faith family. At the very least, we want to ensure that you stay actively connected to the church and its ministries—be it digital or (hopefully sooner than later) face-to-face.
#3: If I return to worship at church, what can I expect to see and what measures will CUMC be taking to look out for me and my family?
1.) Preliminarily, we’ve measured off our worshipping spaces (main sanctuary and adjacent family room, both of which are equipped with tv monitors to aid any audio/visual needs), and have determined that we can safely fit a minimum of 89 total people—56 in the main sanctuary, 8 in the balcony and 25 in the family room. Families/couples can sit closer together in designated seats or pews in either location:
2.) We’ve designated clear entry points and exit locations as well as a flow-of-traffic floor plan so that people don’t have to intersect in order to find a seat, coming or going. Ushers will do their best to open doors so that you don’t have to worry about touching door handles. CUMC will also position numerous free-standing hand sanitizing stations at the front glass entrances as well as the creek side door.
3.) CUMC will provide masks to all those who participate in worship or for anyone who didn’t bring their own.
4.) We’re exploring all possible means of sanitizing our space prior to and after worship. So far, we’ve received two bids from outside cleaning and restoration contractors whose services we could enlist to clean our entire space as well as up to 8ft along the walls. Church trustees are prepared to purchase commercial grade cleaning solution along with the proper equipment to distribute the solution. Furthermore, we are limiting the use of our facility to the main sanctuary, soft lounge, family room and the hallway leading down to the pastor’s study. All other sections of the church will not be utilized.
5.) What about guests or latecomers? We’ll be sure to hold shorter pews toward the middle of the sanctuary for guests as well as reserve a designated section of green chairs in the back of the sanctuary for the express purpose of ensuring there is a place for folks who pop in late.
Highlights from the UM Relaunch Guidelines:
-Six feet of distance at all times.
-Designated entries and exits
-No distribution of bulletins
-No use of pew bibles or hymnals
-No children’s gatherings of any kind
-No community meals or fellowshipping that involves the sharing of food.
-Sanitization of worshipping spaces after each use.
-No communal singing
Why can’t we sing? Health professionals suggest that communal singing is similar to coughing since the act of singing requires one to breathe deeper and exert more air over a prolonged period of time. This has obvious implications for our chancel choir or any other congregational singing that we would do during worship.
#4: What does CUMC expect of me when I return to worship?
In order to live into the Lord’s call to love God by loving your neighbor as yourself, CUMC anticipates that you’ll make use of our hand-sanitizer stations as well as wear a mask throughout worship (either one we provide or one you’ve brought with you). We also trust that you’ll respectfully keep a six foot distance between others as you enter and exit. We very much value the strength we find in one another and we certainly are reminded of the power in community. To that end, we strive to take care of one another. If you’re not well or if you’re at risk, please do stay home.
#5: What will worship be like?
You can expect to experience some of the same things you always have at CUMC with the exception of corporate singing. We’ll gather together; you’ll see familiar faces again; we’ll access the scriptures, participate in liturgy through our technology; you’ll hear the word preached. Children’s sermons will still be provided with kids remaining seated with their parents or grandparents. In the future, we’re also exploring celebrating communion through the following means pictured below:
Our ability to gather at the Lord’s Table is crucial. The mechanics surrounding it amidst a pandemic are challenging to say the least. Bear with us as we receive guidance re: best practices. In the meantime, the data we receive from you will certainly help us forecast the frequency of face-to-face worship when we do relaunch; however, in the interim, we will plan to hold one service in the main sanctuary/family room at a time to be determined.
#6: I’m still not sure about face-to-face worship. Will CUMC continue broadcasting services?
Absolutely. CUMC was always livestreaming its 11 am service. However, since then, we’ve significantly improved our livestreaming transmission and have added 8:30 am along with 11 am as an optional time for tuning into our Sunday morning service. At either time, visit our webpage and access the streamed service at the top right button labeled “Watch the live video stream.” Additionally, you can access our archived sermons from the church webpage or our Facebook page: Christ UMC Wheeling, WV.
#7: I’m on a church team, committee or part of a small group bible study that meets regularly. Can we gather at church?
We’ve not yet opened to non-church affiliated entities, but the short answer to that is yes…with a couple of conditions: As long as your gathering doesn’t exceed 10 participants and you’re taking the same aforementioned precautions (masks, social distancing, etc). If you choose to meet at church, please use the creek side entrance and relegate your meeting to either the conference room or the family room. That said, MAKE USE OF THE FOLLOWING ALTERNATIVE: CUMC has purchased a ZOOM video conferencing license that is secure, protected, efficient and convenient. Do you have a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer with a camera? You can participate. Even if you don’t, you can still join meetings with audio capability. If you’re a team leader or committee chair and want to make use of ZOOM, email our Director of Communications, Chelsea Young at and she’ll set it up.
#8: How are we operating from a financial standpoint?
Through your generosity, consistent support and our finance team’s planning, we’re in a relatively healthy financial position compared to other faith communities facing the same challenges. Some of you have given above your original pledge. Thank you! Others have accelerated their scheduled giving. Thank you! As we look ahead to the coming months through the summer, your faithful giving will continue to buoy us through this pandemic. Even though we’re not worshipping traditionally and our facilities aren’t in regular use through the week, we’re still reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ. Church, it’s been amazing to see the number of people we’re reaching electronically on a weekly basis. People join us for worship, not just locally, but in Florida, California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Operating expenses still exist and we pray you’ll continue to support Christ UMC and its ministries. Be mindful of your commitment to this point and, to the extent that you can, mail in your tithes and offerings (1232 National Rd, Wheeling, WV 36003). You should also know that we’re in the process of establishing a platform for online giving through our church website, which is good news for all of those who do a lot of banking electronically. More on this later.
#9: What are the church’s office hours? Have they changed?
Carla is here most days at the same time (9am-4pm) with the exception of Mondays and Thursdays. If you need to reach the church office, call 304-242-2455. As your pastor, I consider myself blessed to be in ministry with you. Know that I am actively praying for you and I’m here to support you in any way I can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there is a need.
-Pastor Jake
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