And the Survey Says…”
I can almost hear host, Gene Wood belting it out on the TV (or perhaps for many of you game show watchers it was Richard Dawson), but the words are burned into our collective...
I can almost hear host, Gene Wood belting it out on the TV (or perhaps for many of you game show watchers it was Richard Dawson), but the words are burned into our collective...
My wife’s grandmother, Edith battled Alzheimer’s throughout most of the time I had the pleasure of knowing her. As many know, the disease devastates one’s cognition, but it also can tamper with temperament as...
The cool in the morning air signals a looming shift from summer to fall. Next. As such, our kids have begrudgingly traded sand buckets for lunch boxes. Next. It’s not even October and there’s...
If you blinked, you would’ve missed a bevy of movements occurring around us. Indeed, there has been no shortage of activity within the life of the church, both on the local and denominational levels. Given...
The Fourth and our celebrations often involve fireworks that have our faces fixed to the skies. In Acts 1, the disciples were doing the same, fixed on another spectacle: Jesus being taken up into...
God—you’re my God! I can’t get enough of you!I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God, traveling across dry and weary deserts. So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in your...
Christ Church Family, With recent news coming out of General Conference and decisions made by our global body, we find ourselves in a transient time—a time that excites some and exasperates others. At once, there...
On the day Jesus conquered death, it was still dark when the women walked. On the day Jesus conquered death, the disciples locked the door. On the day that Jesus conquered death, Emmaus travelers...
A procession of palms; a parade of ‘hosannas’-turned- chorus of ‘crucify him.’ In between, there’s a solemn but significant meal in an upper room, followed by a moonlit prayer in the ominous shadows of...
We cry, “Can’t;” He bids, “Try.” We bark, “Won’t.” He asks, “Why?” Christ takes our little and makes a lot, As long as we give Him what we’ve got. Little time, little stuff, In...